
Aurora Philanthropic Consulting

Strategic Planning

HELP! We need to update our entire strategic plan

Core Plan

  • This brief process focuses on internal constituent data gathering and input which culminates with a one day strategic planning leadership retreat. The retreat will result in a three to five year comprehensive strategy and outline action plan.

Standard Plan (Custom Plan; In-depth Plan)

  • This multi-month process focuses on internal and external constituent data gathering and input which culminates with a one day strategic planning leadership retreat.
  • The retreat will result in a comprehensive three to five year strategy and action plan.
Person holding a sign that says A Goal Without A Plan is Just a Wish

We just need you to facilitate a retreat to help us evaluate and plan for the future

Group of young business people sitting at a table having a discussion


  • Plan and implement a one day retreat for your organizational leaders. The day will include plenary, breakout and team-bonding time.
  • The retreat will result in a three to five year strategy and outline action plan.

What process models do you use to help?

Strategic Planning processes that we use:

  • Appreciative Inquiry
  • SWOT Analysis
  • Scenario Planning
African American businesswoman drawing on glass board in an office